Cartoons and the Egyptian Transition: A Qualitative Analysis of Egyptian Newspapers


  • Sara S. Elmaghraby Universität Kairo


Cartoons, Egypt, Visual Framing, Qualitative Analysis, Egyptian press, Mohamed Morsi


Since the Egyptian revolution of 25 January, cartoonists have depicted the transition taking place in this country in several ways. This study aims to analyze the cartoons drawn about this transition period in Egypt in seven different Egyptian newspapers. This is done through a qualitative analysis of 80 cartoons published between 28 June and 4 July 2013, as this period saw the ousting of elected president Mohamed Morsi by the military general Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi. The study observes the different depiction of various topics, actors and visual frames used by the seven newspapers during the analyzed period, in accordance with their particular viewpoint of the transition in Egypt.


Sara S. Elmaghraby, Universität Kairo

Sara S. Elmaghraby is a PhD student and teaching assistant at the Journalism Department in the Faculty of Mass Communication, Cairo University, Egypt. She writes her PhD on the image of Egypt in cartoons published in the world press. The author conducted her M.A. on the image of Muslim communities in the European press, most notably the German and the British press. She published several papers on the image, foreign press coverage, Islam and the West, and international communication.



Elmaghraby, S. (2014). Cartoons and the Egyptian Transition: A Qualitative Analysis of Egyptian Newspapers. Global Media Journal - German Edition, 4(1). Abgerufen von