Towards Cosmopolitan Media and Communication Studies: Bringing Diverse Epistemic Perspectives into the Field




Hanan Badr, Universität Kairo

Hanan Badr is affiliated at Cairo University and the Gulf University for Sciences and Technology. Her work focuses on journalism, inequalities, and comparative media systems. Arab Uprisings and media have been a focus of her research. Adopting a critical lens, she seeks to understand how political and digital transformations change journalism and media systems worldwide. She held positions at Freie Universität Berlin and the Orient-Institut Beirut, Max Weber Foundation. Hanan won awards including the Kluge Fellowship at the Library of Congress. She was elected as a Vice-Chair for the ICA interest group Activism, Communication and Social Change.

Sarah Anne Ganter, Simon Fraser University

Sarah Anne Ganter is tenure-track Assistant Professor of Communication and Cultural Policy in the School of Communication at Simon Fraser University. She holds university degrees from Germany, Argentina, the UK and Austria and has published widely on media governance, digital policy and regulation, and journalism. Sarah’s work is influenced by a cosmopolitan approach to academic work, integrating scholarly work from different cultural, linguistic and geographical settings. In her publications she analyzes media and digital policy transformations from a theoretical perspective which particularly focuses on dynamics and interactions shaping institutional fields.





Badr, H., & Ganter, S. (2021). Towards Cosmopolitan Media and Communication Studies: Bringing Diverse Epistemic Perspectives into the Field. Global Media Journal - German Edition, 11(1).